Grant Opportunities
BOR WaterSMART Applied Science Grants
Deadline: March 11, 2025
Award Amount: Up to $400,000 per agreement for a project that can be completed within 2 years.
Match: A non-Federal cost-share of 25 or 50 percent depending on the type of project.
Eligible Entities: Category A: States, Indian Tribes, irrigation districts, water districts, and other organizations with water or power delivery authority. Category B: Universities, nonprofit research institutions, federally funded research and development centers, and non-profit entities (including 501[c][3] organizations) that are acting in partnership with and with the agreement of an entity described in Category A.
Description: The objective of this NOFO is to invite eligible non-Federal entities to leverage their money and resources by cost sharing with Reclamation on applied science projects (Project) to improve access to and use of hydrologic data, develop and improve water management tools, improve modeling and forecasting capabilities. Results from these projects will be used by water managers to increase water supply reliability, provide flexibility in water operations, improve water management, and support nature-based solutions. Project results must be readily applicable by managers—resulting in tools and information that can be used to support: water supply reliability, water delivery management, water marketing activities, drought management activities, conjunctive use of ground and surface water, water rights administration, ability to meet endangered species requirements, watershed health, conservation and efficiency, support for nature-based solutions and other water management objectives.In general, under this NOFO, Reclamation will provide funding for applied science projects to develop or improve hydrologic information, water management tools, modeling and forecasting capabilities, and improve nature-based solution decisions. Results from these Projects will be used by water managers to increase water supply reliability, provide flexibility in water operations, and improve water management.Proposed projects will be reviewed by the Program Office to determine whether the project type is eligible for evaluation.