Grant Opportunities
BOR WaterSMART Large-Scale Water Recycling Projects
Deadline: April 07, 2025
Award Amount: Up to $132.75 million will be allocated in the third and final application submittal (See NOFO Sec. B.1) period. Federal Funding Amount is based on maximum 25 percent of the total cost of planning, design, and construction completed after the date of Reclamation’s feasibility study review findings within three years of the application’s submittal period deadline.
Match: A non-Federal cost-share of 75 percent or more of total project costs is required.
Eligible Entities: States, Indian Tribes, municipalities, irrigation districts, water districts, wastewater districts; and any state, regional, or other organization with water or power delivery authority. All applicants must be located in the Western United States; specifically: Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.
Description: As part of the implementation of the new Large-Scale Water Recycling Program, Reclamation has identified four stages of project development: planning; 30% design; 100% design; and construction. As each project proposed for funding progresses through those stages, Reclamation will work with the project sponsor to gather and review updated information to ensure that the project meets all statutory and programmatic requirements. Prior to an award of Federal funding for any project selected under this funding opportunity, Reclamation must determine that the applicant’s Feasibility Study meets Reclamation requirements, and that the cost-estimating and design information for the project are sufficient as appropriate for the stage of development of the project. This program structure is intended to acknowledge that project sponsors may have information sufficient to meet Feasibility Study requirements prior to completing project design, and that more detailed information can be provided to Reclamation as design work progresses and cost estimates are refined.