Grant Opportunities
BLM New Mexico Threatened and Endangered Species Program
Deadline: February 26, 2025
Award Amount: $10,000 to $800,000
Match: None
Eligible Entities: State, City, Township, County or Tribal Governments, Higher Education Entities, Nonprofits, Small Businesses
Description: The BLM New Mexico Threatened and Endangered Species Program has an opportunity to work with partner organizations to assist with:Contributing to the above-described Program strategic goals.On-the-ground actions that conserve and recover federally-listed, Bureau sensitive, and rare wildlife and plants.Targeted inventory and monitoring to determine species status and conservation opportunities.Gaining knowledge about federally-listed, Bureau sensitive, and rare species and their habitats including, but not limited to, propagation, genetics, ecology and threats.Providing for proactive protection or management of federally-listed, Bureau sensitive, and rare species and their habitats, consistent with ESA section 7a1.Augmenting federally-listed, Bureau sensitive, and rare species through translocations, seed collections, and/or propagation.Increasing program efficiencies and effectiveness in Endangered Species Act (ESA) section 7a2 consultations and ESA section 7a1 conservation programs.Increasing public knowledge of federally-listed, Bureau sensitive, and rare wildlife and plants on BLM managed lands, including with a targeted focus on communities of color, low-income families, and rural and indigenous communities.Communications including program outreach, education, and Program website updates.