Grant Opportunities

EMNRD Clean Water State Revolving Fund
Deadline: Ongoing
Amount: up to 30 year loans offered at low interest rates of 0%-1% for public entities and 2.375% for private entities.
Eligible Entities: Municipalities, Counties, Water & Sanitation Districts, Mutual Domestic Water Associations, Pueblos & Tribes, Private Entities.
Description: The Clean Water State Revolving Fund program provides low-interest loans to eligible entities for a wide range of wastewater and storm water projects that protect surface water and groundwater resources. Funds may also be used for projects that control non-point source water pollution.
Funding is available for Planning Loans, Design Loans and Construction Loans. Loan subsidy may be available to disadvantaged borrowers or to borrowers that incorporate sustainability features into projects. Loan terms may be up to 30 years with repayment beginning one year after project completion.