Administration & Reporting
Getting the money is one thing, but managing it is another, especially if it's federal funding. Once awarded, the real work begins to ensure that the project is successful and that all funds are accounted for and have a measurable or quantifiable impact.
Partner with you to accomplish the following:
Getting the money is one thing, but managing it is another, especially if it's federal funding. Once awarded, the real work begins to ensure that the project is successful and that all funds are accounted for and have a measurable or quantifiable impact.
Partner with you to accomplish the following:
- Establish a single source of truth for all things grants
- Review grant agreements to identify financial/programmatic compliance requirements
- Electronic and physical folders and files
- Development and submission of required programmatic or financial forms
- Process draw downs and/or requests for reimbursements
- Financial reports including SF-425's, SF-270's, and Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards (SEFA) preparation
- Negotiated Indirect Cost Agreements (NICRA)
- Sub-contract/sub-recipient monitoring procedures & policies
- Financial & programmatic reporting schedule and process