Grant Opportunities

USDA National Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Program

Deadline: January 24, 2025
Award Amount: Up to $500,000
Match: None
Eligible Entities: Native American Indian Tribes, Tribal Organizations, Tribal Colleges & Universities (TCUs)
Description: The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), Veterinary Services (VS) is announcing the availability of up to $500,000 in funds in the National Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Program (NADPRP) to support Tribal projects for livestock and poultry in the topic areas listed below.
1. Develop, enhance, and exercise Tribal animal disease outbreak emergency response plans.
2. Support livestock and poultry biosecurity measures and programs.
3. Enhance capability and capacity for depopulation, carcass disposal, and decontamination in a
disease outbreak.
4. Support animal movement decisions in a disease outbreak.
5. Enhance animal disease traceability during a disease outbreak.
6. Develop and deliver training & exercises to improve animal disease outbreak response
7. Support outreach & education on animal disease prevention, preparedness, and response.
8. Enhance aquatic animal disease preparedness and response.
9. Enhance equine disease outbreak prevention & response.