Grant Opportunities

NPS Creating Opportunities for Relevant Experience (CORE) Wildland Fire Training Crews

Deadline:  May 24, 2029
Award Amount: $20,000 to $200,000
Match: None
Eligible Entities: non-profit applicants who are Section 501(c)(3) compliant, state governments, and federally recognized Tribal governments
Description: The Creating Opportunities for Relevant Experience Crews (CORE Crews) are wildland fire training crews comprised of women, veterans, or youth. CORE crews offer participants job experience and wildland fire specific training that serves as a developmental opportunity for participants and an opportunity for parks build relationships with the next generation of fire managers. The CORE crews’ goal is to engage with women, veterans, and youth to begin development of the next generation of the wildland firefighters, managers and scientists contributing to the mission of the NPS wildland fire program by offering relevant work experience.
The CORE Crew program seeks to offer basic training, knowledge and experience that will inspire interest in future career opportunities for participants while working to support the NPS wildland fire mission. CORE crewmembers will work with trained professional fire staff with the NPS and gain on-the-job skills and experience. They will also be coached and mentored in wildland fire and NPS operations. Job experience will vary and include a wide array of activities such as work on fuels management projects, wildfire preparedness activities, fire effects monitoring, and potentially wildfire suppression. Training will cover numerous topics including employee and agency orientation, basic firefighter training, chainsaw training, and incident management and response overview.