Grant Opportunities

New Mexico Match Fund

Deadline:  Rolling
Award Amount:  $75 million appropriation
Eligible Entities:  state agencies, tribal governments, counties, municipalities, and political subdivisions.
Description:  DFA offers three grant programs providing eligible entities with a reliable and nimble source of funding to increase competitiveness for hundreds of federal grant program opportunities that require local match.

Matching Grant – for eligible entities that require additional funding to meet the minimum match requirement for a federal grant (at least 40% of available funds are reserved for rural, frontier, and tribal governments).

Project Implementation Grant – for recipients of a Matching Grant that require capacity funding to fully implement the federally funded project associated with the Matching Grant.
(Only available if awarded a Matching Grant)

Apply for Federal Compliance Offset Grant – for eligible entities that demonstrate higher project costs due to compliance with federal funding requirements, such as requirements related to worker wages and sourcing American-made materials.

NM Match