Deadline: January 23, 2025
Eligible Entities: State, County, City or township, special district, county governments, Tribal organization/governments, Nonprofits, Private institutions of higher education, Public and State controlled institutions of higher education.
Description: AmeriCorps grants are awarded to eligible organizations that engage AmeriCorps members in evidence-based or evidence-informed interventions to strengthen communities. An AmeriCorps member is a person who does community service through AmeriCorps.
OJJDP Enhancing Youth Defense
Deadline: February 5, 2025
Award Amount: Up to $400,000 for up to 36 months
Match: None
Eligible Entities: State, County, City or township, special district, county governments, Tribal organization/governments, Nonprofits, Private institutions of higher education, Public and State controlled institutions of higher education.
Description: With this funding opportunity, OJJDP seeks to implement youth defense system efforts that strengthen and improve the representation of youth involved in the juvenile justice system. This program supports organizations providing public defense services through a combination of direct grants and national training and technical assistance to implement sustainable system improvements that result in improved youth outcomes, reduced recidivism, safer communities, cost savings, and increased public confidence in the juvenile justice system. Studies and numerous state assessments conducted by national organizations reveal that nearly every state falls short of its constitutional obligation to provide effective legal representation for children. Few children in this country currently receive access to a qualified youth defender.
Historic Preservation Fund – Tribal Heritage Grants
Deadline: February 27, 2025
Award Amount: Maximum $75,000
Match: None
Eligible Entities: Tribal Governments or Organizations
Description: The National Historic Preservation Act authorizes grants to federally recognized Tribes for cultural and historic preservation projects. These grants assist Tribes, Alaskan Natives, and Native Hawaiian Organizations in protecting and promoting their unique cultural heritage and traditions. From the beginning, the program has been shaped by Tribes. It focuses on what they are most concerned about protecting: Traditional skills, oral history, plant and animal species important in tradition, sacred and historic places, and the establishment of tribal historic preservation offices.
Restaurant Disaster Relief Fund
Deadline: March 3, 2025
Award Amount: $10,000
Match: None
Eligible Entities: Restaurants must have a brick-and-mortar location, fewer than 50 employees per location, own a maximum of three locations, be open at least six months and have less than $3 million in revenue per location.
Description: Disasters are unpredictable — but critical support shouldn’t be. The average small business loses $3,000 every day they remain closed due to a disaster. To help restaurants recover in times of critical need, DoorDash has partnered with Hello Alice to create the Restaurant Disaster Relief Fund. The fund supports restaurants impacted by natural disasters, severe weather events, or major infrastructure failures, The Restaurant Disaster Relief Fund, a partnership between DoorDash, financing platform Hello Alice and the Global Entrepreneurship network, is open to restaurants in state or federally declared natural disaster areas. The grant windows operate on a rolling bases, with four a year.
NMDA Agricultural Workforce Development Program
Deadline: March 31, 2025 or until funds are fully allocated
Award Amount: not to exceed $15,000 per internship
Eligible Entities: An “agricultural business” means a business of a food or agricultural nature, including agricultural production or processing. Primary areas of focus for these internships include: agribusiness; agronomy; crop production; farm and ranch management; food safety; fruit and vegetable production; maintenance and repair of machinery and equipment; marketing and sales; and natural resources and conservation.
Description: NMDA’s AWD Program offers incentives to the state’s agricultural businesses to hire interns. The AWD Program is intended to provide hands-on educational opportunities for students aspiring to careers in agriculture, as well as young or beginning farmers and ranchers. Internships can begin after July 1, 2024 and must be completed by May 31, 2025.
NPS Creating Opportunities for Relevant Experience (CORE) Wildland Fire Training Crews
Deadline: May 24, 2029
Award Amount: $20,000 to $200,000
Match: None
Eligible Entities: non-profit applicants who are Section 501(c)(3) compliant, state governments, and federally recognized Tribal governments
Description: The Creating Opportunities for Relevant Experience Crews (CORE Crews) are wildland fire training crews comprised of women, veterans, or youth. CORE crews offer participants job experience and wildland fire specific training that serves as a developmental opportunity for participants and an opportunity for parks build relationships with the next generation of fire managers. The CORE crews’ goal is to engage with women, veterans, and youth to begin development of the next generation of the wildland firefighters, managers and scientists contributing to the mission of the NPS wildland fire program by offering relevant work experience.
The CORE Crew program seeks to offer basic training, knowledge and experience that will inspire interest in future career opportunities for participants while working to support the NPS wildland fire mission. CORE crewmembers will work with trained professional fire staff with the NPS and gain on-the-job skills and experience. They will also be coached and mentored in wildland fire and NPS operations. Job experience will vary and include a wide array of activities such as work on fuels management projects, wildfire preparedness activities, fire effects monitoring, and potentially wildfire suppression. Training will cover numerous topics including employee and agency orientation, basic firefighter training, chainsaw training, and incident management and response overview.
DOE Tribal Electrification & Appliance Rebates Program
Deadline: May 31, 2025
Award Amount: $225 million – program will provide up to $14,000 per eligible household.
Description: Under the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), the U.S. Department of Energy Tribal Home Electrification and Appliance Rebates program will provide funding in non-competitive formula allocations to Indian Tribes and Alaska Native Corporations to develop, implement, and subsidize residential energy efficiency, electrification, and appliance upgrade projects.
USDA On-Farm Labor Housing Loans
Deadline: first-come, first-served
Award Amount: loan maximum is 100 percent of the allowable total development cost.
Eligible Entities:
- Individual farm owner
- Family farm partnership
- Family farm corporation
- Association of farmers
Description: It provides affordable financing to develop or rehabilitate affordable rental housing for very-low to moderate income domestic, migrant, and seasonal farm laborers. It also provides funding used to increase the supply of affordable housing for farm labor; and the ability of the farmer to provide affordable, decent, sage and sanitary housing for farm workers.
AHRQ Small Health Services Research Grant Program
Deadline: July 17, 2029
Award Amount: up to $10,000 for a project period not to exceed 2 years
Eligible Entities: Higher Education Institutions, Nonprofits, Governments, including Tribal, ISDs, Housing Authorities.
Description: The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Small Research Grant Program supports different types of health services research projects, including:
- Pilot and feasibility studies
- Secondary analysis of existing data
- Small, self-contained research projects
- Development of research methodology
- Development of new research technology
Walmart Community Impact
Deadline: applications are accepted quarterly – Quarter 1: Feb 1 – April 15 / Quarter 2: May 1 – July 15 / Quarter 3: August 1 – October 15 / Quarter 4: November 1 – December 31
Amount: $250 to $5,000
Eligible Entities: Nonprofits, state, county or city agencies, including law enforcement or fire departments, education agencies.
Description: There are 8 areas of funding: 1) Community and Economic Development, 2) Diversity and Inclusion, 3) Education, 4) Environmental Sustainability, 5) Health and Human Service, 6) Hunger Relief and Healthy Eating, 7) Public Safety, 8) Quality of Life
PositiveNRG Program
Deadline: Ongoing
Eligible Entities: For Profit companies, Nonprofit Organizations
Description: Supporting organizations and initiatives that have a meaningful and direct impact on the community in 4 main areas:
- Choice & Education
- Community
- Resilience & Sustainabililty
- Well-Being.
Harbor Freight Tools for Schools
Deadline: ongoing
Eligible Entities: Educational Agencies
Description: As a program of The Smidt Foundation, we work to leverage and propel excellent skilled trades education in U.S. public high schools by investing in efforts where ingenious people and ideas converge. Humility is the through line of our outlook and approach. We seek to make a difference, and to learn and share.
NMFA Local Gov’t Planning Fund
Deadline: Ongoing
Award Amount: up to $50,000
Eligible Entities: Local Governments, including tribal entities and mutual domestic water consumers associations
Description: The Local Government Planning Fund funds critical planning documents for a variety of public infrastructure projects. Eligible plans include Preliminary Engineering Reports, Feasibility Studies, Environmental Information Documents, Comprehensive Plans, Asset Management Plans, Water Conservation Plans, Master Plans, Local Economic Development Act Plans and Metropolitan Redevelopment Act Plans. Applications are accepted monthly and grants are made on a reimbursement basis.
NMFA Drinking Water Loan Fund
Deadline: Ongoing
Amount: Loans of up to 30 years at a fixed, below-market interest rates
Eligible Entities: Municipal and Community Water Systems
Description: For water projects that are shovel ready, local government agencies can access to millions of dollars in low interest loans and even get some grant funding depending on median household income levels.
EMNRD Clean Water State Revolving Fund
Deadline: Ongoing
Amount: up to 30 year loans offered at low interest rates of 0%-1% for public entities and 2.375% for private entities.
Eligible Entities: Municipalities, Counties, Water & Sanitation Districts, Mutual Domestic Water Associations, Pueblos & Tribes, Private Entities.
Description: The Clean Water State Revolving Fund program provides low-interest loans to eligible entities for a wide range of wastewater and storm water projects that protect surface water and groundwater resources. Funds may also be used for projects that control non-point source water pollution.
Funding is available for Planning Loans, Design Loans and Construction Loans. Loan subsidy may be available to disadvantaged borrowers or to borrowers that incorporate sustainability features into projects. Loan terms may be up to 30 years with repayment beginning one year after project completion.
LANL Education Enrichment
Grant awards: $50,000; ($25,000 per year for two years).
Grant Term: Recipients have two years to spend the funding.
- Local education entities (LEAs) and public schools, including charter and Tribal schools serving K-12 public school children.
- Tribes, Pueblos, and Nations serving K-12 public school children
- 501(c)3’s, Governmental and Quasi-governmental institutions, and private schools partnering with LEAs, public schools including charter and Tribal schools and/or Tribes that serve public school children (K-12).
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Description: Children can thrive when surrounded by an ecosystem of support that makes it easy to access quality education, health care and food. And when parents thrive, children thrive, so their ecosystem must also include equitable job opportunities and career pathways. The ability to face the future with confidence, assured of equitable opportunities, rounds out the ecosystem. Education, health, food and workforce systems are interconnected in serving what children need to thrive, and we aim to support holistic solutions across these integrated systems.
Mellon Foundation
Submission Details: Mellon only accepts proposals by invitation. If you have not received an invitation and are interested in funding from Mellon, you can submit an inquiry.
Eligibility: Mellon makes most of its grants to organizations in the United States that have been determined by the IRS to be section 501(c)(3) charities. As a rule, the Foundation does not fund tuition, K-12 education and programming, fundraising events, or provide direct unrestricted funding for individuals.
Areas of Interest:
Arts and Culture
Higher Learning
Humanities in Place
Public Knowledge
Presidential Initiatives
NMPED Adult Education & Literacy
Description: AEFLA seeks to create a partnership between states, the Federal government, and local adult education providers to help adults get the basic skills they need including reading, writing, math, English language proficiency, and problem-solving to be productive workers, family members, and citizens.
New Mexico Match Fund
Deadline: Rolling
Award Amount: $75 million appropriation
Eligible Entities: state agencies, tribal governments, counties, municipalities, and political subdivisions.
Description: DFA offers three grant programs providing eligible entities with a reliable and nimble source of funding to increase competitiveness for hundreds of federal grant program opportunities that require local match.
Matching Grant – for eligible entities that require additional funding to meet the minimum match requirement for a federal grant (at least 40% of available funds are reserved for rural, frontier, and tribal governments).
Project Implementation Grant – for recipients of a Matching Grant that require capacity funding to fully implement the federally funded project associated with the Matching Grant.
(Only available if awarded a Matching Grant)
Apply for Federal Compliance Offset Grant – for eligible entities that demonstrate higher project costs due to compliance with federal funding requirements, such as requirements related to worker wages and sourcing American-made materials.
M.S. Doss Foundation
Description: area of interest include – Children’s Homes, Boys & Girls Clubs/Scouts, YMCA/YWCA, Counseling and Therapy Center, Behavioral and Mental Health Centers, Rehabilitation Centers, Domestic Violence, CASA, and Advocacy Centers, Food Banks & Food Pantries, Homelessness, Veterans, Meals on Wheels and Sr. Citizen Centers, Theatres & Symphony, and more.
How to Apply: Organizations interested in applying for funding need to communicate via phone or email with the Grants Manager for instructions on how to apply.
Lori Bagwell, Grants Manager